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The Portland Roadster Show has been owned and produced by the Multnomah Hot Rod Council since 1956

The Multnomah Hot Rod Council

The Multnomah Hot Rod Council also known as the MHRC, was formed in 1954 by Dee Wescott, community members and elected officials. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization comprised of car clubs and members at large throughout northwest Oregon and southwest Washington.

Functions of MHRC and its member clubs include: Helping coordinate the automotive show scene in the Portland metropolitan area and is the exclusive producer of the "Portland Roadster Show", which is the largest all volunteer indor show on the West Coast, and one of the oldest and absolutely best roadster shows in the country.  Funds generated from the show are used to provide automotive based scholarships and support to many local charities.

We support or sponsor many regional and charitable activities throughout the year, including our annual Angels on Wheels Toy Run for Randall Children's Hospital, our Wagon Angels program for the Children's Cancer Association held at the Portland Roadster Show, and sponsorship of the Ronald McDonald House to name a few.


MHRC Member Clubs

*MHRC membership is available with sponsorship of a member club (Click Here).  

Associated Fords of the 50's    Cascade Sports Car Club    Classic Rides Car Club    Columbia River Camaro Club    Moonlighters Car Club    NW Rods & Relics    Pharaohs Street Rodders Club        Shelby American Auto Club    Westside Cruisers Club


MHRC Beneficiaries

MHRC member clubs provide support, volunteers and fund raising to these events and organizations:


MHRC Scholarships

The MHRC offers scholarships to individuals registered in an automotive related program of study in a recognized/certified school. Download our *Automotive Scholarship application.


Sponsors Past and Present

This web site was graciously donated by Speed's Towing

Speeds Towing                                                                              


Contact Us

The Portland Roadster Show has been owned and produced by the Multnomah Hot Rod Council since 1956